
If you want to learn about Judaism - Albuquerque and
New Mexico offer many ways. All ages, all levels, all styles.

Introduction to Judaism

Both Shabbat With Friends New Mexico and the Rabbinical and Cantorial Association of Albuquerque (RACAA) offer Introduction to Judaism courses.

While these courses differ in some aspects, both Shabbat With Friends' Miller Program
and the RACAA's Jewish Pathways are for those considering conversion, who are in an interfaith relationship, who wish to deepen their Jewish knowledge, commitment, and identification, or who are otherwise curious about Judaism.

RACAA: Community Introduction to Judaism Program

The Rabbinical and Cantorial Association of Albuquerque (RACAA) - in partnership with Congregation Albert, Congregation Nahalat Shalom, and Congregation B'nai Israel -  this year introduces Jewish Pathways, a program for those who are interested in a journey toward Judaism, or who are already on their Jewish journey.

This year's program began in September  2022.
To learn more, contact office@congregationalbert.org or call (505) 883-1818.

Shabbat With Friends New Mexico:
           AJU's Miller Introduction to Judaism Program

Shabbat with Friends NM is excited to announce the 3rd year of the New Mexico Miller Introduction to Judaism Program for the Albuquerque area and the Southwest region (by remote connection).

This program has been offered in dozens of cities around the country, and  was developed by the American Jewish University in Los Angeles.

It brings an experiential and engaging, welcoming and meaningful learning path to those considering conversion to Judaism, to couples in an interfaith relationship, to persons who wish to deepen their Jewish knowledge, commitment, and identification, or to folks who are inquisitive about Judaism.

Rabbi Dov Gartenberg offers a stimulating, interactive, and pluralistic approach that recognizes that each person studying Judaism has a unique and personal path into this enduring tradition and culture.

This year's program began in September 2022.
To learn more, contact dov@shabbatwithfriends.org or call (505) 582-9577.


All Albuquerque synagogues offer education classes and programs for children, including summer camps and retreats.


All Albuquerque synagogues and many Albuquerque Jewish organizations offer adult education classes, retreats, and lectures. Several synagogues throughout New Mexico
offer ongoing - weekly or monthly - classes in Torah, Talmud, and other Jewish texts.

Albuquerque JCC

5520 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109     (505) 821-3214     www.jccabq.org

The Albuquerque JCC’s Arts, Culture & Education (ACE) program provides enlightening and entertaining arts, cultural, and educational events with a Jewish focus. Each of these classes,lectures, films, and performances offers an opportunity to savor Jewish life at its best and explore our understanding of Judaism and the Jewish experience.

Albuquerque OASIS

3301 Menaul NE, Suite 18 (American Square) Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 884-4529   www.oasisabq.org

OASIS is a unique educational program for mature adults who want to learn, grow and explore new ideas. OASIS offers a broad range of classes in the arts, humanities, wellness, fitness and travel, as well as volunteer opportunities

Executive Director Kathleen Raskob always makes sure to offer a large number of courses of Jewish interest.

Institute for Tolerance Studies

Institute for Tolerance Studies' educational programs focus on issues of diversity, antisemitism, and understanding of cultural differences. These programs include
the Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series and the Jewish Learning Channel on YouTube.

Road Scholar Adventures in Lifelong Learning

(800) 454-5768      www.roadscholar.org

Not-for-profit Road Scholar is the world’s largest and most innovative creator of experiential learning opportunities. They are a diverse community of knowledge seekers and explorers, united in the belief that lifelong learning is a vital part of overall wellbeing.

Road Scholar is proud to offer 5,500 learning adventures in 150 countries and all 50 states, serving more than 100,000 participants per year. At any given time, 2,000 Road Scholars are experiencing the world on our learning adventures.

Regularly scheduled courses of New Mexico Jewish interest include New Mexico's Conversos and Crypto-Jews and New Mexico's Conversos and Crypto-Jews in Santa Fe.

Upcoming Classes

This view shows the first two sessions ONLY of upcoming multi-session classes.
Ongoing classes are NOT shown here.

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