There are plenty of synagogues and alternative communities
in and around Albuquerque, Santa Fe,
and elsewhere in New Mexico.
Chabad of New Mexico / Albuquerque
4000 San Pedro NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 (505) 880-1181 www.chabadnm.org
Chabad of New Mexico is the New Mexico state center of the worldwide Chabad movement. Whether you are affiliated or not, have an extensive Jewish background or none at all, Chabad has an open heart and open door to every Jew. They are here to serve you and will do their best to help you and your family. Branches in Las Cruces, Santa Fe, and Taos.
Chavurat HaMidbar
(505) 450-1418 www.chavurahabq.org
Chavurat Hamidbar is an eclectic-traditional community without a building or paid professional functionary. Prayer leaders and Torah readers are both men and women. Prayer books and Bibles (Sim Shalom, Revised Plaut, New Machzor) are issued by various movements, with mixed, family-style seating. All are welcome.
Congregation Albert
3800 Louisiana Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 883-1818 www.congregationalbert.shulcloud.com
Congregation Albert, founded in 1897, is the oldest continuing Jewish organization in New Mexico. A Reform congregation, Congregation Albert is committed to the ongoing work of building a congregation shaped by the Jewish values of Kedusha (spirituality), Kehillah (community), Torah Lishmah (lifelong learning) and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).
Congregation B'nai Israel
4401 Indian School Road NE Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 266-0155 www.bnaiisrael-nm.org
Congregation B'nai Israel is part of the global Conservative/Masorti Movement. They embrace the mitzvah of hospitality (hachnasat orchim), welcoming Jews of all backgrounds to worship services. CBI also welcomes those without Jewish background who want to learn more about Jewish spirituality and worship.
Congregation Nahalat Shalom
3606 Rio Grande Blvd NW Albuquerque, NM 87107
(505) 343-8227 www.nahalatshalom.org
Congregation Nahalat Shalom is a spiritual and cultural center for Jewish Renewal in the Southwest. They are a vibrant community, open and welcoming to individuals, couples, and families of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Nahalat cultivates and lives Judaism through worship, learning, dialogue, joyful celebrations, community involvement, arts, music, and dance.
Santa Fe
Chabad of Santa Fe Jewish Center
230 East Manhattan Santa Fe, NM 87501
(505) 983-2000 www.santafejcc.com
Chabad believes that community is vital for the growth of the human spirit. They encourage people to live a more meaningful life by sharing their passions, ideas, and inspirations with others. Chabad provides Jewish oriented programs, events, lectures, prayer services, study groups, outings and meals that bring people together in a shared interdependent space where they can grow together.
Congregation Beit Tikva
2230 Old Pecos Trail Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 820-2991 www.beittikvasantafe.org
Congregation Beit Tikva is a spiritual, harmonious congregation, sharing Jewish values in the Reform tradition. We teach and practice Judaism, seeking joy and commitment through education, mitzvot, tzedakah and ahavat Yisrael. We are respectful of diverse opinions and are welcoming to all.
HaMakom - The Place
Unitarian Congregation 107 W. Barcelona Rd @ Galisteo, Santa Fe 87505
(505) 992-1905 www.hamakomtheplace.org
HaMakom is a progressive, egalitarian Jewish community that nourishes heart, mind, and spirit. At HaMakom they honor both tradition and renewal, heart-opening music, learning in community, and tikkun olam--compassion in action. Inclusion and diversity are core values at HaMakom; like the tent of Abraham and Sarah, their door is open. All are welcome there.
Kol BeRamah
1409 Luisa Street Suite A Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 216-6136 www.kolberamah.org
Kol BeRamah is a traditional Orthodox synagogue that is rededicating itself to Jewish growth and learning throughout Northern New Mexico. Their Beit Midrash (House of Learning) welcomes everyone for davening (services), classes, and special events.
These activities are suspended as of July 2023.
Temple Beth Shalom
205 E. Barcelona Rd Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 982-1376 www.sftbs.org
Santa Fe’s Temple Beth Shalom is dynamic, diverse, welcoming and inclusive. Proudly affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism, TBS is the oldest and largest Jewish congregation in one of North America’s most ancient and unique cities. They are committed to living, teaching and learning progressive Jewish values within our faith community, and to contributing on the basis of these values to the community-at-large.
Las Vegas
Temple Montefiore
901 Eighth Street Las Vegas, NM 87701
Temple Montefiore is the first Jewish house of worship in New Mexico Territory. Formed in 1884, it held dedication services on September 26, 1886. The building was repurchased and rededicated on December 18, 2022.
Los Alamos
Los Alamos Jewish Center
2400 Canyon Rd Los Alamos, NM 87544 (505) 662-2140 www.lajc.org
The Los Alamos Jewish Center is an unaffiliated, egalitarian congregation. Men and women participate equally in all religious aspects of our congregation, and participation in all aspects of the service - from readings to leading prayers to reading from the Torah -is encouraged and appreciated.
Chabad of Taos
221 Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos, NM 87571 (575) 751-1323 www.jewishtaos.com
Founded in July 0f 2008, Chabad of Taos has an open heart and open door to every Jew.
Taos Jewish Center
1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite R Taos, NM 87571
(505) 758-8615 www.taosjewishcenter.org
The Taos Jewish Center is dedicated to fostering a positive Jewish identity by providing programs and services that enrich the lives of the people it serves in Northern New Mexico. The Center is open to all who wish to explore and participate in these experiences that reflect and incorporate Jewish ethics, culture and observance
Las Cruces
Chabad of Las Cruces
2907 East Idaho Avenue Las Cruces, NM 88011
(575) 524-1330 www.chabadlc.org
Chabad of Las Cruces & Southern New Mexico strives to ensure Jewish continuity through increasing Jewish pride, knowledge, and commitment, with the dedication to deliver this with warmth, fun, and Jewish spirit. They believe in the right of every Jew to experience the beautiful treasures of our Jewish heritage, and they are committed to providing a wide variety of educational, religious, and social services, according to the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, toward the goal of making our world a fitting dwelling place for G-d.
Temple Beth-El
3980 Sonoma Springs Ave Las Cruces, NM 87011 (575) 524-3380 www.tbelc.org
Temple Beth-El is dedicated to creating and maintaining an intimate and involved Jewish community. It strives to be a place where spiritual growth, tradition and ritual provide meaning and comfort to every person who comes through the doors.
Temple Beth-El encourages its members to learn, celebrate, serve, and grow together, so that each person will have the fullest opportunity to share the beauty of Jewish expression.
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